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    Heilongjiang Energy Storage Station


    ☑️Dual power supply for heating and warming

    ☑️Reliable and safe operation in severe cold environments

    ▸Ancillary Services
    ▸Peak shaving
    ▸Frequency control

    Project Introduction:

    A 300MW wind farm is equipped with a 30MW/60MWh lithium iron phosphate battery energy storage system, consisting of 9-unit of 3.35MW/6.709MWh energy storage system. The project is connected to the 35k busbar of the wind farm booster station through a 35kV line, with a transmission distance about 100m. The energy storage system started construction in September 2023 and was connected to the wind power project on January 1, 2024. The project aims to improve the utilization rate of new energy generation, participate in grid peak shaving, and provide equipment support. Energy storage equipment has the ability to regulate frequency once, which can smooth the planned output of wind power and is of great significance to the local energy structure and industrial upgrading.

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